Friday, August 22, 2014

Witsand 2013

Braai Time

Witsand for us is a most special place so deciding on where to spend the New Year was not hard.  Travelled through to Kimberley and stayed at the Protea Lodge again.  Nick and Reece had not been to the Big Hole yet so they thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

Kimberly in December is hot as hell so had a good time lying around next to the pool before tackling the long road to Witsand.

A big part of the attraction of Witsand is the dune surfing.  While Neville and I relaxed around the chalet, Reece and Nick climbed the dunes, waxed their dune boards and explored on bicycles.  Neville and I did little more than read books, swim and illegally feed the local wildlife :)  You know me ... rebel :)! 

Our neighbour told us that he saw a wild cat in he's camp, it was a massive beast about to eat he's younger son, so we were quite anxious to see this wild beast in camp, we left our lasagne after supper and out crept the most adorable little Civet.  Hardly the monstrosity we were expecting but rather a very stealthy adorable camp guest.

Cannot wait to go back
Nick & Reece waxing the duneboards

Kalahari Taxi



Nick...getting ready!

Dune surfing is hard work

Makolo 2014

Our second visit to Makolo but the first time for my brother Louis and he's family.  We drove through Mokolo for the day and had the most relaxing time and saw so much wild life.

The girl's (from Belgium) had a great time identifying all the different animals and had  much fun giggling at the antics of the warthogs.

We had lunch at the Lillydale Rest camp which overlooks the Modder river.  My Grandmothers twin brother drowned in the Modder river, on their way to Nagmaal (Mass) when they were 5 years old, so it had particular sentimental value.




Lilydale Rest Camp


Kruger Park 2014

Cape Buffalo

We visited the Kruger National Park with friends from Australia in February.  We like the Northern part of the park as it's quite and more removed.  We started off at the Letaba camp, I love this camp for the sky bosbokkies that live in the camp but are by now so use to people they boldly come up to camp to investigate new visitors.

I've not seen Tonya in some time so we spend the afternoon strolling around camp catching up on each others lives and general "skinner".  Geoff and Neville spend the time in Camp, starting on the Klippies and Coke (soon a firm favourite with Geoff) and was nearly on world peace by the time we got to camp

Having a bath!

Letaba Elephant Museum

We spend some time at the Elephant Museum in Letaba.  It gives fascinating insight into the development of the park, the fight against poaching and facts on these gentle giants.

Splish Splash i'm having a bath!

Encountered the Elephant Bath just outside Shingwedzi on the bridge crossing the river.   A big male, took some time getting nice and covered in mud, then setting in the water covered almost over he's ears.  A first for all of us.

Red Rocks

Shingwedzi is another favourite in the Kruger Park and this time around was a lush and green wonderland after all the rain of the past few weeks and it was quite a surprise finding many dry spots washed away.  At Red rocks you normally see thousands of little bee-eaters in the most magnificent colours but all the rain frightened them away.  Did see some massive Batteleur Eagles that made up for it.

Croc at Crooks Corner

The convergence of the Levohu and Limpopo rivers that mark the boundary between South Africa, Mozambique and Zimbabwe is another place we always visit.  Partly because it is the only place in the Kruger where you can see Nyala in numbers and partly for the quite and tranquillity of the fever tree forest.

Tonya and I started on the G&T's at the breakfast braai (only to ward off mosquito's you know) but forgot to pack glasses.  Thankfully Neville, always ingenuous in a crisis, quickly converted our water bottles to gin glasses!

Shark Cage Diving 2014

Mapunguwe 2014

Madekele 2014

Golden Gate 2014